iPhone App Spotlight: Siri

Great App. Siri Was recently purchase by Apple.

UtterJargon Magazine Ad

Ad put together by NTA Management

Report: Social Media Advertising

Understanding the Value of a Social Media Impression

The First Video Ever Uploaded to YouTube

“The video doesn’t look like much, but it sparked a revolution; by July 2006, more than 65,000 videos were uploaded to the site every day. In October that same year Google acquired YouTube for $1.65 billion – a reminder of how fast things move in the age of the internet…”

That’s nuts!!!

(Excerpt and article Via Mashable)

Small Business Trend in NYC – Food Trucks!

I know I’m not the only one who has been seeing more of these in 2009. Get the scoop on how their ran. (Via

Apple iPhone 4G Prototype Preview

Finally Arrived: NotePods

My NotePods have finally arrived. As someone who sketches then writes pseudo-code, I think that they might aid in my iPhone development adventure...

Finally Arrived: NotePods

My NotePods have finally arrived. As someone who sketches then writes pseudo-code, I think that they might aid in my iPhone development adventure...

Event: Evening With the Dove…

The Learning Annex Internet Expo

Accept payments anywhere with SQUARE

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The Little Known Secret to Getting Page 1 Google Rankings – Video!!!

American Express Small Business OPEN forum disscusses a little known secret to getting better Google rankings; Videos!

They explain that Google are increasingly using “blended” search results – articles, video, pictures, and other forms of content. So video inherently gets more play because there is less competition for video results.

Check the article out here.

Below are the meat & potatoes of the article:

1. Create some great video for your site. Note: Research indicates that if you have video on your homepage, up to 80% of your visitors will click that first, so it better be good!

2. Post it prominently throughout your site.

3. SEO it and submit it. Here’s the trick, and it is two-fold. First, you must optimize the video for search engines. That means key words and phrases must be used in the file name, in the captions, etc. Second, once posted on your site, you must then submit the video itself using XML tools to Google and the other search engines.