iPhone App Spotlight: WordPress

For all of those who use wordpress to run their blog (like myself), then the WordPress App is a must. It works for both wordpress.com & wordpress site installations. Its great for creating post on the go, updating post categories and statuses and monitoring comments. For those who plan on using it for their wordpress blog on their hosted site, there are a few steps you have to make to enable the app to run properly on your phone; basically adding a few strings to your header file. You can see the instructions here, or if you need help, feel free to contact me and we at UtterJargon will make the update for free! So contact us!

Free Remote Desktop Plus More – Crossloop

CrossLoop is a consumer Internet company that empowers everyone to help someone anywhere in the world with its free and easy-to-use software application for desktop sharing. CrossLoop connects computer users with trusted, qualified service providers and friends who can provide the support they need quickly and conveniently.