Five Ways That a Blog Can Help Your Freelance Business..

An article I came across that pretty much sums up why blogging is useful for start-up freelance business ventures. brought to you via

There are many ways that blogging can help you build up your freelancing business quickly. Here are five of them:

1. Web Presence. Having a blog gives you and your freelancing business an immediate online presence, especially if you can get a URL with all or part of your business name in it. If your freelancing business is primarily online (web design, web content, etc.), having an online presence is expected. However, other freelancers can also benefit by having a blog. For one thing, a blog gives clients an alternate way to find you.

2. Describe and List Your Services. With a business blog, you can create a separate static web page using your blog’s content management system that describes the products or services that your business offers. Not only can prospective clients see what type of business you are in just by reading the page, you can also link to the page yourself when you create proposals or send e-mails. Don’t forget to update this page when you acquire new skills or expand your services.

3. Home for Your Portfolio. A blog makes an excellent home for your professional portfolio. You can create a separate static page to showcase samples of your best work or link to websites that include your work. Clients and prospective clients examining this page can get a good idea of what your abilities are. Again, don’t forget to review and update this page periodically.

4. Position Yourself as an Expert. A blog allows you to position yourself as an expert while letting clients and perspective clients learn more about you. By creating helpful or informative posts on topics relevant to your freelancing specialty, you can establish your professional authority in your field. (While it’s okay to let your personality shine through in your posts, remember to keep your posts professional. Too much personal information on your business blog won’t help your business.)

5. Networking. Blogging also provides a wonderful opportunity for networking. If you leave your comments turned on (and you really should), then you have the opportunity to “discuss” your posts with perspective clients and peers. If someone leaves a comment on your posts, not only do you have the chance to respond, but you can also pay a visit to their blog and get to “know” them a little better. Before long, it is likely that your freelancing blog will have a little community of regulars who stop by to chat.